Seminar: European information for decision-making
The event will bring together information producers, intermediaries and users in the key fields of economics, law, technology and marketing. It will provide guidance to the sources of information on the European Union and demonstrate the ways in which this information may be used. It is organized by the ABD (Association Belge de Documentation) with the participation of the CNDST-NAP (Centre National de Documentation Scientifique et Technique).
The following areas are covered:
- Technology and R&D;
- Legal and regulatory aspects;
- Economic aspects;
- Marketing;
- Round table and conclusions.
Technology and R&D aspects to be examined (Monday 28 April) include the presentation of two papers:
- The European Patents Office and the patents database, its tools, methods and media (presented by the EPO);
- Information and the research centre. Protection of assets and monitoring technology (presented by Fina Research).
A workshop on the same day will focus on:
- Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique (INIST). A new technology at the service of the European information industry;
- Patent or "patent". Additional information to be found in patent files;
- The role of the information department in a multinational company. From raw data to strategic information.
The CNDST-NAP has also organized, together with the European Commission Host Organization (ECHO), an on-line introduction to the databases available on ECHO. This will take place on Wednesday 13 April (9.30 h).
For further details, please contact:
Attn. Paul Heyvaert
Boulevard de l'Empereur 4
B-1000 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-5195640; Fax +32-2-5195679