Seminar on energy savings in compressed air
It is estimated that 10% of the electrical power consumed in the EU is used in association with compressed air. As some 80% of the overall cost of a compressed air installation goes towards energy costs, the prudent selection, operation and control of a compressed air system can save a considerable amount of energy.
A range of technologies is available which can save up to 50% of the energy consumed, with payback times in some instances less than a year. However, achievement of maximum benefit from these technologies requires careful consideration and the best current practices. The Dublin seminar and exhibition will highlight how these energy savings can be achieved, with illustrations from case histories.
The event is intended for engineers responsible for plant efficiency, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, business and technical consultants and advisory agencies, and electrical utilities concerned with demand-side management. It is organized in the context of the OPET network (Organizations for the Promotion of Energy Technology) with the support of the THERMIE programme.
For information, please contact:
Attn. Mr. P. Duke
IE-9 Dublin
Tel +353-1-8370101; Fax +353-1-8372848