THERMIE: Use of energy in the glass industry
- Improved technologies for the rational use of energy in the glass industry (Wiesbaden, 4-6 February 1992): This three-day seminar focused on the technical, economic and environmentally related situation of the glass industry in Western and Eastern Europe, analysed practical experience with improved energy technologies, in particular waste heat recovery, cullet preheating and improved furnaces, regenerators and control systems, and discussed incentives and barriers influencing the required market introduction of these technologies. The publication includes the texts of the papers presented during the oral and poster sessions of the seminar.
- Rational use of energy in the glass melting process (Gus'-Hrustal'ny, Russia, 12-14 May 1993): This seminar brought together Eastern and Western European experts to contribute to a discussion on the improvement of the thermal and environmental efficiency of glass melting furnaces by upgrading furnace construction and operation together with the rational and economic use of fuel. The papers presented cover the economic situation of the Russian glass industry, it's technical situation, energy conservation in the EC's glass industry, plus technical sessions on sodamine commercial glasses, refractories selection and maintenance, low energy glass furnaces, flat and container glass production, emissions and waste gas treatment in the German glass industry, float furnace instrumentation, and energy management.
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