Technology transfer day on Biopharmaceutical Technologies
Technology transfer days, or Value crossroad (VACRO) days, are organised in all research areas throughout Europe by the network of Value Relay Centres, with the objective of bringing research and technological development project results closer to the business community.
At the Marseille event, results of research programmes in the field of Biopharmaceutical Technologies will be presented, including an Automated Drop Tensiometer which has already been the subject of a exploitation license agreement with a French company.
Opportunity to discuss other agreements between researchers and commercial interests will be provided at the event where the following projects will be presented:
- Multiple Gene Expression in the Baculovirus System: Vaccine Applications (Institute of Virology - UK);
- Production of Parvovirus Proteins in Baculovirus (Igenasa, Spain);
- Lantibiotics: synthesis, structure, activity and use as templates for drug design (Universitat Venusberg - Germany),
- Use of Erythrocytes as drug delivery systems and Bioreactors for detoxification in Vivo (Universita di Urbino - Italy);
- Expression and secretion of human proteins in filamentous fungi (Universiteit van Gent - Belgium);
- Production of human serum Albumin in Kluyveromyces Yeast (Institut Curie d'Orsay - France);
- Biotransformation in non-aqueous media: production of pharmaceutical intermediates (Universitat Munster - Germany);
- Development of an Automated Drop Tensiometer (I.T. Concept - France).
For further information, please contact:
ARHT Europe-Value Relay Centre
Ms. Laurence Saracino
Immeuble CMCI
2 rue Henri Barbusse
F-13241 Marseille Cedex 01
Tel. +33-91-57337; Fax + 33-91-573376
European Commission
Mr Paul Feyt
Jean Monnet Building (C4/007)
Plateau de Kirchberg
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134241; Fax +352-430134009