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ESPRIT and JESSI on view at SEMICON/Europa '94 conference and exhibition, Geneva

ESPRIT and JESSI will exhibit at SEMICON/Europa '94 in Geneva on 12-14 April 1994.

ESPRIT, the EC's specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (1990-1994), and JESSI, the Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative, will be among the 1,100 exhibition stan...

12 April 1994 - 12 April 1994
ESPRIT and JESSI will exhibit at SEMICON/Europa '94 in Geneva on 12-14 April 1994.

ESPRIT, the EC's specific RTD programme in the field of information technologies (1990-1994), and JESSI, the Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative, will be among the 1,100 exhibition stands demonstrating products and developments from over 700 companies and organizations throughout Europe and worldwide.

SEMICON/Europa, is the largest European exhibition for semiconductor and flat panel display equipment. SEMICON is organized by Semiconductor and Materials International (SEMI), an international trade association representing some 1,450 corporate members in the semiconductor industry.

Experts in semiconductor equipment and materials will present the latest innovations and trends during three days of technical programmes. An encompassing symposium to address current technical issues, as well as focused workshops on such topics as environment and safety, communications, and mini-environments are some of the highlights.

This event is also the venue for the International Summit of Electronic Industry Consortia, chaired this year by the chairman of the board of JESSI, at which private meetings of the consortia delegates will take place to review an agenda based on potential cooperation. In two general assembly sessions, all registered SEMICON/Europa attendees will hear detailed updates on each consortium's goal, progress and funding plus a final report on the closed-door sessions.
For information on SEMICON/Europa, please contact:

SEMI Europe
79 avenue de Cortenberg
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-7362058; Fax +32-2-7340622