THERMIE at CEETEX 94: the Central and Eastern European Technology and Exhibition
THERMIE, the European Community's programme for promoting innovative energy technologies, provides an ideal way to stimulate energy technology joint-ventures between East and West Europe. Four sectors are covered by THERMIE:
- Rational use of energy;
- Renewable energy sources;
- Solid fuels;
- Hydrocarbons.
The largest proportion of the budget goes on supporting European Union technology projects, but it also includes support for the application of efficient and environmentally friendly technologies in new and emerging markets. Most of theses activities are carried out by the Europe-wide network of 40 Organizations for the Promotion of Energy Technologies (OPET).
The energy technologies being displayed on the THERMIE stand at CEETEX 94 are those of greatest immediate benefit to Central and Eastern Europe. These technologies are both innovative and cheap and therefore ideal for reducing energy demands and allowing precious resources to be used cleanly and efficiently.
For further information on the THERMIE programme, please contact:
European Commission
THERMIE Programme
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2950577