Online information conference, Rotterdam
Organizational and technical changes are altering the work of information centres and their intermediaries. During the two-day event, this change will be examined in a number of workshops and presentations. New products will also be on show at the large exhibition accompanying the conference.
The European Commission's Host Organization (ECHO) together with the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) will have a stand at the exhibition. The Office for Official Publications of the European Community (EUR-OP) will also be featured.
For further details, contact:
Online Informatie Konferentie Nederland 1994
Postbus 1104
1300 BC Almere
Fax +36-5390639
For CORDIS information:
European Commission Host Organization
CORDIS Customer Service
B.P. 2373
L-1023 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-4410122240; Fax +352-4410122248