THERMIE on-site visits and workshops "Bricks and heavy clay energy-efficient applied technologies"
The aim of this initiative is to introduce selected European brick industries to plants which have successfully applied energy-efficient technologies. The technologies presented during the visits and their related brick industries will be:
- Cogeneration, dust pressing and fast firing in SILS Laterizi (Siena);
- Monitoring in Laterizi Brunori (Imola);
- Fast firing in RDB (Piacenza).
Short specific workshops will be organized before the visits by the equipment suppliers of the technologies and their industrial users.
For further information, please contact:
Istituto Cooperativo per l'Innovazione
Ms. Mariella Melchiori
Via Nomentana 133
I-00161 Rome
Tel. +39-6-8549141/-8845848/-8543467; Fax +39-6-8550250