Energy Conference of the International Hightech-Forum Basel
The Swiss action programme ENERGIE 2000 has earned acclaim in several European countries. In addition, the Swiss national programme for the rational use of energy (RAVEL) has already found its successor in Germany in the RAWINE programme. Questions now arise, in connection with the deregulation of Europe's energy industry, as to what contribution Switzerland can make, and where mutual interests and synergy effects exist concerning conservation and clean use of energy and the technical development and application of renewable energies.
The THERMIE programme (1990-1994) is a successful initiative for the promotion of energy technologies in Europe. At the Basel conference, this programme will be explained using concrete examples, and a review of its second phase will be presented. The conference will aim to determine whether and to what extent ENERGIE 2000 and THERMIE overlap and where mutual assistance and support could be undertaken, despite the fact that Switzerland is not a member of the European Union.
For further information on the conference, please contact:
International Hightech-Forum Basel
Messeplatz 21 / case postale
CH-4021 Basel
Tel. +41-61-6862811; Fax +41-61-6862186