Workshop on the technical and financial aspects of co-generation in Hungary
The results of a study on the potential for co-generation in Hungary, the new energy laws, and possible financial solutions will be discussed at a workshop to take place on 19 May 1994 in Budapest. This workshop is supported by the EC's THERMIE programme for the promotion of energy technology in Europe.
Leading specialists from the European Union will also present three case studies of projects carried out in European Union countries. The programme will include opportunity for informal discussion between experts and participants.
The workshop will be of interest to energy managers (especially textile, chemical, food industry, pharmaceutical and hospitals), district heating companies, gas and electricity utilities, and financial institutions.
For further information, contact:
The Energy Centre
Magyar-EK Energia Kozpont
Hungary-EC Energy Centre
H-1087 Budapest
Konyves Kalman krt. 76
Tel. +361-1331304; Fax +361-2699065
Agence Poitou-Charentes Energie Dechets Eau 6
rue de l'Ancienne Comedie
BP 452
F-86000 Poitiers
Tel. +33-49501212; Fax +33-49416111
Agence Regionale de l'Energie, de l'Environnement et des Matieres Premieres
Hotel de Region
14 rue Francois de Sourdis
F-33077 Bordeaux CEDEX
Tel. +33-56905390; Fax +33-56247366