Second THERMIE exhibition
As part of the programme, DG XVII is organizing a major exhibition of 150 projects which demonstrate new ways of producing and using energy cleanly and efficiently. The second THERMIE exhibition will take place in Berlin on 19-24 September 1994. It will include both Commission-supported projects and projects from national schemes. These will address a variety of topical issues such as reduced air pollution, increased international competitiveness in industry and more efficient transport means. The projects will focus in particular on the following:
- Urban transportation;
- Energy efficiency in energy-consuming industries;
- Efficient control systems in public buildings;
- The production of biomass from domestic and industrial waste;
- Efficient oil and gas production;
- Energy technologies for SMEs;
- Energy technologies for decreasing CO2 emissions;
- The development of regional energy resources.
In addition, the exhibition will inform participants about the range of support programmes in the EU and its Member States in the field of energy technology.
For further information please contact:
Conference secretariat
Organization for the Promotion of Energy Technology - Coordination Support (OPET - CS)
18 Av. R. Vandendriessche
B-1150 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-7715370; Fax +32-2-7715611