Second seminar on European research in industrial fires and second seminar on major industrial hazards model evaluation
Large-scale industrial fire represents a hazard to both people and the environment. It is estimated that insurance claims for fires in the EU amount to about ECU 10 billion annually. The role of the EU in this area is to consider the impact on public and employee safety as well as the environment. Large-scale industrial fires are a central issue in the EU's Major Industrial Hazards research programme.
The following topics will be discussed at the seminar:
- The scope and aims of EU research;
- Industrial priorities for fire research;
- Combustion of chemical substances and the impact on the environment of fire products;
- EU legislation in major industrial hazards and the need for research.
The second seminar on European research in industrial fires is intended to:
- Evaluate progress of EU research;
- Disseminate knowledge to potential users;
- Direct future research, particularly regarding a series of model evaluation exercises.
For further information please contact:
European Commission
DG XII/D-1(Environmental technologies)
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2950347; Fax +32-2-2963024