Open and distance learning: critical success factors
In many countries, open and distance learning methods have become an effective and equitable means of providing learning for people in all situations and of all ages. The key features of these methods are that they are not bound by inflexibilities of time or space. The main objective of this conference is to evaluate current practices and developments in the field. The conference will help to define the critical success factors for those wishing to expand their development of open and distance learning in a sustainable way.
The conference will serve four main purposes:
- To provide a forum for debate in the areas of policy making such as research priorities, funding systems and performance indicators relating to the effectiveness of open and distance learning techniques;
- To hear contributions from practitioners in industry and education who have successfully demonstrated the viability of open and distance learning;
- To illustrate the extent to which open and distance learning has penetrated higher education, continuing education, public administration, the private sector and research.
The Commission's Task Force Human Resources, Education Training and Youth, as well as Directorate-General XIII will both be making contributions to the programme of the conference.
For further information on the conference please contact:
University of Geneva
International conference
Mr. P. Dunand Filliol
9 route de Drize
CH-1227 Carouge - Geneva