Technology Transfer Day on Agro-Food Technologies
Coordinators and contractors of ongoing and recently completed Community-funded research projects will present their results in the agro-food area to local industry representatives. The projects will be in the following areas, which are of particular importance to local industry:
- Meat products:
. Pathogens and their control;
. Packaging;
. Starter cultures for processed products.
This event will allow interested parties to discuss possible collaboration and technology transfer in the industry at both national and European level. The programme will also include three case-study sessions.
For further information please contact:
Belgium VALUE Relay Centre
Brussels Technopol
Mr. J. Evrad
64 rue de la Fusee
B-1130 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2159200; Fax +32-2-2158308
European Commission
Mr. Paul Feyt
Jean Monnet Building (C4/007)
Plateau de Kirchberg
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430134241; Fax +352-430134009