A seminar on communications technologies under the Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998)
The aim of this seminar is to provide an overview of the ACTS (Advanced Communications Technologies and Services) Programme, the successor to the RACE programme. It is being jointly organized by the Institute of European Trade and Technology (IETT) and the UK Government's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The seminar is designed to assist organizations prepare for the first call for proposals which is likely to be issued in the second half of this year. The new programme will have a budget of ECU 630 million. The main research topics will include:
- Interactive digital multimedia services;
- Photonic technologies;
- High-speed networking;
- Mobile communication activities;
- Intelligence in networks and service engineering;
- Security of information and communication systems.
This seminar will provide information about the new programme as well as an opportunity to discuss developments with Commission and DTI staff.
For further information please contact:
Mary Marshall
29 Throgmorton Street
London EC2N 2AT
Tel. +44-71-6289770; Fax: +44-71-6287692