Telematics-wide Requirements and Options Conference
Since January 1994, five panels covering the multimodal services, road transport, air transport, rail transport, and waterborne transport have met on three occasions to define the scope of transport telematics RTD issues for the Fourth Framework Programme. The conclusion of this exercise will be seen at the conference. The proposals for the programme will be presented under six project lines, each of which highlights the user-oriented basis of the next phase of transport telematics research. The themes of the project lines are:
- Telematics services for travellers;
- Telematics services for freight operations;
- Telematics for network management, operation and control;
- Telematics for fleet operations;
- Telematics for vehicle control and validations of integrated transport telematics services.
Two other project lines cover strategic research and support of transport telematics and horizontal issues including dissemination.
The RTD covered in these actions is expected to be the subject of a call later this year, together with the other 11 sub-areas of the new telematics programme.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. F. Karamitsos
European Commission
Transport Telematics Central Office (BU 29 2/20)
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963461; Fax +32-2-2962391