Workshop on security and legal aspects of advanced telematic systems
The workshop is being organized by the AIM programme and will present the results of the SEISMED project (Secure Environment for Information Systems in Medicine) and will discuss the legal issues relating to data protection and information security.
Parallel working sessions on the technical and organizational aspects of security will be conducted in the following areas:
- Host system security;
- Systems development;
- Network security.
For further information on the workshop and on the health telematics programme in general, please contact:
Dr. Gottfried T. W. Dietzel
European Commission
200 rue de la Loi (BU 29/3-75)
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2960181
For further information on the SEISMED project, please contact:
Mr. John Davey
Surrey KT18 5AL
United Kingdom
Fax +44-372-739191