Fourth US/FRG/EU workshop on "The photochemical ozone problem and its control on an urban, regional and global scale"
The workshop addresses common concerns of the USA and Europe about the effects of photochemical air pollution and ozone control efforts. It focuses on specific research issues in the fields of atmospheric photochemistry, emission inventories, the instrumental analysis of pollutants, and ozone air quality modelling. Key issues to be discussed are:
- The status of process-based modelling (PBM);
- Science and prospects for future progress;
- The PBM uncertainty problem and observational approaches to studying the photochemical ozone problem;
- Policy developments and their influence on research;
- Regulatory applications of air quality models.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Dr. G. Angeletti
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2963024