European steelmaking developments and perspectives in rolling and reheating
The forum is being organized by the European Commission within the framework of the research activities on steel of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC).
The forum will provide an overview of the latest developments in rolling and reheating in steel production. Both flat and long production techniques will be addressed and the following topics will form the basis of discussions:
- Modellization;
- Heating techniques;
- Dimension and shape control;
- Measuring techniques;
- Surface quality;
- Roll materials;
- Thermal treatment;
- Structure and properties.
New or alternative techniques will also be included such as rolling of near-net-shape or horizontally cast steels. Many of the development which will be presented and discussed have originated within the framework of the steel research programmes of the ECSC.
For further information please contact:
European Commission
Dr. R Tomellini
200 rue de la Loi (MO75/1-6)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2960136; Fax +32-2-2965987