Telematics and statistical information distribution
The aim of the event is to provide information which would contribute to the establishment of potential consortiums, to stimulate cooperation and to create conditions for projects in the area of telematics activities for the distribution of statistical information.
There will be four parallel panel sessions on:
- Automated data capture;
- Accessing statistics through multimedia systems;
- Distributed architecture for statistical information services;
- Multiple use of distributed corporate information.
Participation is open to industry, universities, public administrations, technicians and statisticians who are interested in making proposals for research, technical development and demonstration projects in the area of telematics activities for the distribution of statistical information. The projects will fall under the aegis of the Fourth Framework Programme.
For further information, please contact:
DOSES Secretariat
Statistical Office of the European Communities
European Commission
Jean Monnet Building
L-2920 Luxembourg
Fax +352-130134771