Second International Summer School on Advanced Broadband Communications
The summer school will feature new advances in the use of advanced testing mode (ATM) technologies in a distance education network and the contribution of broadband technologies to enterprise and corporate communications.
Broadband communications will be examined in relation to:
- Broadband technologies;
- Telecommunications/information technologies;
- System integration aspects;
- The range of decision-making factors;
- Potential applications.
Problem-solving sessions will be held on realistic case-studies such as airline reservation systems, residential business user access to travel information, transnational broadband services provision, a network for the aerospace industry, etc.
In addition, demonstrations of RACE project results will be demonstrated.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
RACE Central Office
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963415; Fax +32-2-2950654
European Commission
Mr. Michel Roy
B-1409 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2966272