Open and distance learning: critical success factors
In many countries, open and distance learning methods have become an effective and equitable means of teaching people in all situations and all ages. The key feature of these methods is that they are not constrained by time and space. The main goal of the conference is to take stock of the current practice and developments in the area of distance education in order to provide decision makers with tools for action. The conference will help to define the critical success factors for those institutions and individuals intent on expanding their open and distance learning initiatives in a sustainable way.
The conference will serve four main purposes:
- It will provide a forum for debate in the areas of policy making, research, funding and performance;
- It will be an opportunity to hear contributions from practitioners in industry and education who have successfully demonstrated the viability of open and distance learning;
- There will be contributions from participants to illustrate the extent to which open and distance learning has penetrated higher education, continuing education, public administration and research;
- The conference will provide an occasion for participants to put forward suggestion for national, regional and international cooperative joint ventures.
The DELTA (Telematics Systems for Flexible and Distance Learning) programme of the European Community will be participating in the conference. The overall aim of DELTA is to improve the performance of and access to learning services in Europe based on the optimum use of telematics systems in terms of flexibility, interactivity, remote access and user support. At the same time it aims to improve the market competitiveness of the training industry in terms of more effective services and learning materials, better economies of scale and a market strategy.
For further information on the conference please contact:
University of Geneva
International Conference
Dr. P. Dunand Filliol
9 route de Drize
CH-1227 Carouge (Geneva)
For further information on the DELTA programme please contact:
European Commission
DELTA Central Office (BU 29 04/05)
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963439; Fax +32-2-2962392