Health in the new communications age
The emerging high capacity information and telecommunications networks are expected to have a major impact on health care by improving access, quality and continuity as well as providing solutions for budgetary problems.
The conference is intended for health professionals, administrators and decision makers, allowing them to anticipate how they can benefit from the new technology and how they can influence the shape of new services.
Organizational and socio-economic issues will also be discussed. European activities such as multimedia patent records and "telemedicine" applications will be presented. An exhibition with live demonstrations of potential applications will give users an opportunity to meet industrial manufacturers.
For registration details, please contact:
Mrs. Maria Joao Correia
Forum Telecom
Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo 38C-40A
P-1000 Lisbon
For general coordination information please contact:
European Commission
Mrs. Maria Laires
Health Telematics Central Office
200 rue de la Loi (BU 29)
B-1409 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2963545; Fax +32-2-2960181