European Conference on biomass for energy, environment, agriculture and industry
The event is being organized by ADEME and sponsored by the European Commission. The conference represents an important step in examining the options for diversified energy resources and reducing energy dependence on oil.
A principle theme of the conference will be biomass implications for the forestry and agriculture sector as well as the environmental impact. The development of the use of waste material will have far reaching implications for overcoming the storage capacities in society in general and on the possibility for decentralised employment, especially in areas related to agriculture.
The conference will demonstrate the indispensable need to continue and develop research initiatives to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of biomass technologies with regard to their ecological impact. The European Commission continues to play a major role in this process through financing research initiatives and disseminating the results through such conference. The conference will receive the following presentations from the European Commission:
- Biomass in European Research , Development and Demonstration Policy (DG XII);
- Biomass in the European Energy Policy (DG XVII);
- Biomass in the Common Agriculture Policy (DG VI);
- Bioenergy research and development strategy (DG XII).
For further information on the conference please contact:
Conference secretariat
ADEME (Environmental and Energy Management Agency)
27 rue Louis Vicat
F-75015 Paris
Tel. +33-1-47652000; Fax +33-1-46455236