Implementing European telecommunications law
The conference, organized by DG XIII of the European Commission, has the following aims:
- To focus on the economic and social importance of telecommunications within the European Union and its effects on the EEA and beyond;
- To explain how the EU institutions and Member States interact when formulating and implementing Community telecommunications measures;
- To describe the options available at Community and national level to enforce the implementation of telecommunications legislation;
- To review progress towards the implementation of telecommunications measures in Member States;- To identify and discuss practical problems encountered when implementing EU law in the Member States, paving the way for the formulation of appropriate solutions.
The conference will cover the following topics:- Existing telecommunications measures;
- Opening the terminal equipment market;
- Liberalizing services;
- Opening networks;
- Completion and cooperation in the services fields;
- Procuring telecommunications as equipment and services.
For further information please contact:
European Commission
Mr. P. Ravaioli
200 rue de la Loi (BU9 0/01)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2968498; Fax 32-2-2961713
For registration details, please contact:
CMP International Conferences
14 rue de Bassano
F-75116 Paris
Tel. +33-1-49523322; Fax +33-1-49523300