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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Conference on aid programmes for Eastern Europe and the CIS - change of date

A conference on "Aid programmes for Eastern Europe and the CIS" was scheduled to take place in London on 3-4 October 1994. The date of the conference has been changed to 24-25 October 1994.

The event is being organized by the Institute of European Trade and Technology in Lon...

24 October 1994 - 24 October 1994
United Kingdom
A conference on "Aid programmes for Eastern Europe and the CIS" was scheduled to take place in London on 3-4 October 1994. The date of the conference has been changed to 24-25 October 1994.

The event is being organized by the Institute of European Trade and Technology in London in cooperation with the PHARE and TACIS offices of the European Commission.

The aim of the conference will be to provide the latest information on business opportunities and developments within the main assistance programmes for Eastern Europe and the CIS. The conference programme will include:

- Overview of the business climate and trends in the region;
- Full update on PHARE, TACIS, EBRD and EIB programmes;
- In-depth discussion of the key priority sectors, including privatization, SME support, banking, finance and training.

The conference will provide a full update on the latest projects, new policy directions and objectives. Speakers will include officials from the European Commission and other agencies. A number of specially selected case studies will be presented by contractors in order to demonstrate what happens in practice.
For further information please contact:

Ms. Mary Marshall
29 Throgmorton Street
London EC2N 2AT
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-71-6289770; Fax; +44-71-6287692