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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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COST interaction conference on European cooperation in scientific and technical research

In the framework of COST cooperation, the Swiss authorities and the European Commission, DG XII, will jointly organize an interdisciplinary conference in Basle, Switzerland, on 9-11 October 1995.

The central theme of the conference is the contribution of science and technolog...

9 October 1995 - 9 October 1995
In the framework of COST cooperation, the Swiss authorities and the European Commission, DG XII, will jointly organize an interdisciplinary conference in Basle, Switzerland, on 9-11 October 1995.

The central theme of the conference is the contribution of science and technology to a harmonious development of human society including the improvement of the quality of life.

The aim of the conference will be to allow COST's numerous participants and promoters, and other interested parties, to meet together in order to enhance interaction between existing COST actions (within traditional research fields) and between COST and other research forums in order to stimulate synergy and coordination between them. The conference will concentrate on the development of new means of interaction and identify gaps in research currently under way.

The conference will consist of three plenary sessions:

- The reasonable exploitation of earth's resources, referring, for instance, to research in the COST fields of telecommunications, civil engineering, the environment, oceanography, agriculture and forestry, transport, and meteorology;
- The development of new processes, products and services referring, for instance, to research in the COST fields of materials, informatics, telecommunications, chemistry, medical research, and social sciences;
- The human dimension of social development referring, for instance, to research in the COST fields of the environment, medical research, infrastructure (of telecommunications and transport), and social sciences.

The conference will also present an overview of COST working methods, especially at the level of national coordination in the various member countries.
For further information, please contact:

European Commission
Mr. Bernd Reichert
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