'Third Generation PV cells, Cluster3 Meeting and Ephocell: Luminescent Solar Concentrators Workshop', Barcelona, Spain
Given the enormous potential of solar energy, photovoltaics may well become a major source of clean electricity in the future. However, for this to happen, the electricity generation costs for PV systems need to be reduced and the efficiency of converting sunlight into electricity needs to increase. To achieve this, the European Commission is supporting photovoltaics development.
The workshop is an initiative jointly organised by the European PV Cluster and the 'Smart light collecting system for the efficiency enhancement of solar cells' (EPHOCELL) project consortium. The event will provide an insights into the entire portfolio of projects on photovoltaics (PV) in the NMP, Energy and ICT programmes in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). The EPHOCELL consortium will present its work on up conversion and down shifting luminescent solar concentrators and a panel of experts on LSC and BIPV for third Generation PVcell on their latest research breakthrough.
The workshop will be a forum open to debate where key recommendations on future research needs are in the PV domain to set up a nanotechnology roadmap to foster the development of photovoltaics in Europe.For further information, please visit: http://www.leitat.org/ephocell/index.php/welcome