RACE Mobile Telecommunications Summit
The aim of the summit is to provide a major forum for the dissemination of the results of the RACE programme on third generation mobile communications. A plenary session on future mobile communications will cover the following:
- Market aspects;
- Research and development worldwide;
- Progress in standardization.
Individual RACE mobile/personal communications projects will also be presented, followed by a variety of workshops and discussions on a wide range of technical issues.
The RACE programme, which is now coming to an end, will be followed by the ACTS programme for advanced communications technologies and services (under the Fourth Framework Programme). A key role of ACTS will be the development of systems and service integration, and the demonstration of advanced services and trans-European network developments.
To register, please contact:
CPR Marconi
Applied Research Division
Mrs. Emilia Pereira
Al. Alvaro Pais 2
P-1699 Lisbon
Tel. +351-1-7907573; Fax +351-1-7207149
E-mail: eepereira@cprm.pt