'Science in society networking event', Brussels, Belgium
Organised by the International Network of Science in Society National Contact Points in cooperation with the European Commission, SiS.net invites all stakeholders to a one day event featuring networking and partnership building opportunities.
The congress will seek to provide, in its first session, first-hand information from European Commission officials about the FP7 SiS 2013 Call, launched on 10 July 2012. The second half of the event will bring stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organisations, SMEs, public bodies, Science Centres etc.) together, allowing them to meet potential coordinators and partners in a fruitful networking environment.
The event will focus on:
-mobilisation and mutual learning activities;
-responsible research and innovation on tackling societal challenges;
-gender in science and research;
-new development in science education.For further information, please visit: