Telematics applications information days in Luxembourg
The event is being organized to coincide with the second call for proposals for the telematics applications programme, which will be launched on 15 March 1995. The call will cover the areas of telematics for language engineering, telematics engineering, information engineering, and libraries.
The following information days will take place:
- Language engineering: 5 April 1995;
- Telematics engineering: 5 April 1995;
- Information engineering: 6 April 1995;
- Libraries: 7 April 1995.
Participation at the information days is open to all intending proposers and to those interested in learning more about opportunities in the area of telematics engineering under the Fourth Framework Programme.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Jean Monnet Building (C4/024)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Fax +352-430134959