TEDIS (Trade EDI Systems) was developed by Directorate General III of the Commission to coordinate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) projects in the private sector. The objective of the programme is to develop initiatives in several fields, including standardization, legal affairs, security, telecommunications, intersectoral EDI as well as awareness campaigns.
The projects which will be presented at ONLINE '95 are:
- EUROMED, providing telediagnostic improvement tools;
- EUROPRODUCT, supplying an electronic catalogue for the furniture sector;
- COBODATA, supplying an electronic catalogue for the building industry;
- FORTIUS, organizing routine payments.
At ONLINE '95 a strategic report addressing the conditions for the generalization of services offered by the projects in industrial sectors will be presented.
To obtain free tickets for the TEDIS workshops and the ONLINE '95 exhibition, please contact:
European Commission
TEDIS Secretariat
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2990286