10th Plenary Meeting of the European ISDN User Forum
Since the foundation of the EIUF in September 1990, plenary meetings have been held twice a year. The 10th EIUF plenary meeting will be hosted by Deutsche Telekom AG. The main topics of this event will be:
- Teleworking;
- Multimedia;
- Networks;
- User experiences.
In addition to the plenary meeting, a number of ISDN applications will be demonstrated at a parallel exhibition.
The EIUF is an open assembly where existing and potential users of ISDN can meet to discuss their problems and requirements with manufacturers, network operators and service providers.
If you would like to participate, please contact:
EIUF Secretariat
European Commission
Mrs. S. Schwarz
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. + 32-2-2968928; Fax +32-2-2961740