Flexible learning on the information superhighway
The main topic of the conference will be the educational potential and benefits of the information superhighway. The conference is the third in a series of annual conferences held at the UK Open University each Easter period. This year, the theme has been broadened to include the whole range of services on the Internet, including the new broadband services just beginning to emerge from the cable companies.
The following sessions will take place:
- Introduction to education on the Internet;
- Software systems;
- Policy and practice;
- Cable/broadband and the superhighway;
- The superhighway in schools and colleges;
- Building the superhighway.
A Commission representative of the DELTA programme for flexible and distance learning (DG XIII) will examine Europe's view of the information superhighway.
A day of workshops, on 29 March, will precede the conference. They will include the creation of material for the World Wide Web, asynchronous teaching tools, moderating skills, how to teach educational telematics, and a demonstration of the Internet.
To register and for further information, please contact:
Ms. Anita Moore
The Open University
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA
United Kingdom
Tel. +44-1908-653862; Fax +44-1908-640169
E-mail: A.Moore@open.ac.uk