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Euroconferences in the field of economics, social and human sciences for spring-autumn 1995

The European Commission, DG XII, has published the list of Euroconferences in the area of economics, social and human sciences. Organizers of Euroconferences have been provided with funds under the European Community's Human Capital and Mobility programme of the Third Framewor...

17 April 1995 - 17 April 1995
The European Commission, DG XII, has published the list of Euroconferences in the area of economics, social and human sciences. Organizers of Euroconferences have been provided with funds under the European Community's Human Capital and Mobility programme of the Third Framework Programme to support the participation of a limited number of young researchers.

Young researchers (generally up to age 35) must be citizens of the European Union or researchers working long term in an EU Member State. For some Euroconferences, young researchers from the EEA States (currently Iceland and Norway) are also eligible to benefit. Where funds were committed before 1 January 1994, researchers from Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, are, however, not eligible.

Each Euroconference usually comprises a series of conferences. The list in the text (TXT) field of this RTD-News record contains the information for economics, social and human sciences Euroconferences. It covers events scheduled between March and December 1995 and provides the series title (and the conference title, where this differs from the series title). Dates and venues should, however, be considered provisional. Enquiries for further details should be made directly to the coordinator or contact point indicated.

Euroconferences are organized in other specific disciplines, as follows:

- Mathematics and information sciences (RCN 3750);
- Physics (RCN 3751);
- Chemistry (RCN 3752);
- Life sciences (RCN 3753);
- Earth sciences (RCN 3754);
- Engineering sciences (RCN 3755).

The number in parenthesis corresponds to the RCN number of the RTD-News item containing information on Euroconferences in the field specified.

Conference organizers interested in applying for support should note that the Human Capital and Mobility programme under the Third Framework Programme is now continued under the Training and Mobility of Researchers programme of the Fourth Framework Programme (1994-1998).
For further information on funding possibilities for Euroconferences, summer schools, and practical training courses which will take place from 1996, those interested may apply for an information package (specify "Information Package for Euroconferences, Summer Schools and Practical Training Courses") from:

Training and Mobility of Researchers
European Commission
Mr. E. Whitehead/Ms. I. Brach
Office 5/34
Rue Montoyer 75
B-1040 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2956995/2963270

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