COST conference on "The contribution of science and technology to the development of human society"
The focus of the conference will be the evaluation of the contributions of science and technology - and COST concerted actions in particular - to the development of society and improvement of the quality of life.
In particular, the aims of the conference are to:
- Promote the interaction and sharing of experience between researchers from different domains;
- Demonstrate the scope and scale of COST, its achievements, priorities and plans for the future;
- Encourage further synergy with other European research initiatives (EU programmes, EUREKA, etc.);
- Draw lessons from the experience of COST for the future.
The conference will also act as a showcase for COST towards a wider public, especially those responsible for research policies and management, including those from non-COST countries.
There will be an exhibition including demonstrations and examples of prototypes, products and services from COST actions and other leading-edge environments.
For further information, please contact:
COST Interaction Conference 1995
European Commission
200 rue de la Loi (B-68 5/38)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2954617; Fax +32-2-2964289