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COST interaction conference: The contribution of science and technology to the development of human society

Will more technology make the world a better place? How can researchers from different countries best work together to make sure science benefits people in their everyday lives? These are the basic questions underlying a high-level conference for more than 1000 European resear...

9 October 1995 - 9 October 1995
Will more technology make the world a better place? How can researchers from different countries best work together to make sure science benefits people in their everyday lives? These are the basic questions underlying a high-level conference for more than 1000 European researchers, politicians and science officials to be held in Basle, Switzerland, on 9-11 October 1995.

Organized by the European Commission's COST Secretariat and the Swiss Federal Government, the conference will take place under the patronage of Edith Cresson, European Commissioner for Research, Education and Training, and Ruth Dreifuss, Swiss Federal Councillor for Internal Affairs.

Under the chairmanship of former French Minister for Research and Space, Professor Hubert Curien, participants will evaluate the contribution of scientific and technological research to the development of society with a view to positively influencing the future management and organization of research cooperation in Europe.

The conference opens with a review of European collaborative research and COST's contribution to it. Participants can then choose between three separate "interactive" symposia:

- A: Reasonable exploitation of Earth's resources;
- B: Development of new processes, products and services;
- C: Human dimension in science and society.

Participants from different research areas will be able to exchange ideas and experiences on organizing and managing collaborative scientific projects.

The conference will also include:

- Key-note addresses by Nobel Prize winners W. Arber (Medicine and Physiology 1978), R. Ernst (Chemistry 1991) and J.M. Lehn (Chemistry 1987);
- An "outsiders view" of European research cooperation by R.T. Watson, a member of President Clinton's scientific advisory team;
- A "Contact Bank" allowing participants to target research partners;
- An exhibition and poster session demonstrating COST's scope and scale.

CORDIS will be present at the conference, showing the CORDIS CD-ROM, Watch-CORDIS and demonstrating the CORDIS World Wide Web server.
For further information/registration (ECU 250), please contact:

European Commission
COST Interaction Conference 1995
Mr. Martin Whitehead
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2958391; Fax +32-2-2964289

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