Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems '95
The congress is sponsored by IVHS AMERICA, ERTICO S.C. and VERTIS as part of a series of annual Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) World Congresses in one of the three regions of North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. The aim of the congresses is the mutual exchange of research results and cooperation in order to promote the use of ITS.
The following executive sessions will take place:
- Recent development of ITS;
- Visions of future ITS;
- Challenges to the realization of ITS;
- Next steps for research and development and deployment.
In addition, a number of technical sessions will be held on the following main topics:
- Generic and specific technology;
- Systems and applications;
- Architectural and institutional issues.
For further information, please contact:
Av. Henri Jaspar 113
Bte 10
B-1060 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-5380262; Fax +32-2-5380273