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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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Training course on medical aspects of radiation accident management

In the framework of the European Radiation Protection Education and Training Programme (ERPET), the European Commission, DG XII, in collaboration with the International Institute for Scientific Cooperation, is organizing a training course on "Medical aspects of radiation accid...

26 February 1996 - 26 February 1996
In the framework of the European Radiation Protection Education and Training Programme (ERPET), the European Commission, DG XII, in collaboration with the International Institute for Scientific Cooperation, is organizing a training course on "Medical aspects of radiation accident management". It will take place on 26-29 February 1996 in Schloss Reisensburg, Germany.

The course will present the following topics:

- Accidental irradiation;
- Pathophysiologic mechanisms;
- Diagnostic procedures;
- Therapeutic options;
- The possible contributions of health physics;
- Organization of radiation accident management: The medical responsibilities.

The course is aimed at the medical corps, in particular doctors specialized in occupational medicine, in interventions in cases of radiological or nuclear accidents and in the management and treatment of radiation victims.
For registration and further information, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. T. M. Fliedner
Institut fur Arbeits- und Sozialmedizin der Universitat Ulm
D-89070 Ulm (Donau)
Tel. +49-731-5023400; Fax +49-731-5023415