Standards, measurements and testing information day and exhibition at ICC Conference
The standards, measurements and testing information day will consist of a general presentation on the programme and will include an outline of six projects supported by the programme, including their results in the area of cereals and foodstuffs.
The ICC conference aims to provide a wide ranging survey on the present state of knowledge in the field of cereal science and technology and concentrates on the role of cereals in nutrition, especially the importance of carbohydrates as well as information on recent developments in the area of "functionalized" foods in various countries.
For further information, please contact:
ICC Secretariat General
PO Box 77
A-2320 Schwechat/Vienna
Tel. +43-1-7077202; Fax +43-1-7077204
European Commission
Mr. A. Boenke
200 rue de la Loi
B-1049 Brussels
Fax +32-2-2958072