First German EPHOS Conference on IT Procurement in Europe
Designed for public administration planners and procurers of information technology and telecommunications (IT&T) equipment and services, the European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems (EPHOS) reports in detail on the most relevant IT&T interoperable technologies. It maps the route to the procurement of IT&T systems, which are open and conform to European and international standards, advising on proven technologies offering the best path to the acquisition of interoperable products.
The conference will present the revised and enlarged German version of the EPHOS handbook and provide firsthand information on the strategic importance of the handbook and its use by the authorities, users in the business, and manufacturers and providers of IT products.
The results achieved by means of EPHOS and its future requirements will also be discussed.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Hoppe
Bundesanzeiger Verlagsges.mbH
Postfach 10 05 34
D-50445 Koln
Tel. +49-221-20290; Fax +49-221-2029271