Multinational High Technology Brokerage Event in Israel
Brokerage events are organized to offer companies and research institutes from the participating countries the opportunity to meet potential business partners and to explore the possibilities for future R&D cooperation. The event is organized by the EUREKA programme in the framework of the bilateral Memorandum of Understanding on the promotion of cooperation in the field of industrial R&D signed between Israel and France, Austria, the Netherlands, and Portugal.
Participants will be provided with up-to-date market information as well as information concerning recent and future technological development in the following areas:
- Communications services and networks in hardware and software;
- Electronic sensing and monitoring in transport, environment, medicine and robotics.
For further information, please contact the Multinational High Technology Brokerage Event contact point in your country:
- Austria:
Mr. Herwig Renner
Bureau for International Technology Cooperation (BIT)
Tel. +43-1-5811616; Fax +43-1-581161616
- Israel:
Mr. Azriel Hemar
Office of the Chief Scientist (OCS)
Tel. +972-3-5170150; Fax +972-3-5106724
- France:
Mr. Gilbert Santini
Tel. +33-1-40178574; Fax +33-1-42660220
- The Netherlands:
Mr. Michel Simon
Senter, International Department
Tel. +31-70-3610311; Fax +31-70-3610355
- Portugal
Dr. Jose Isaac-Duarte
Junta Nacional de Investigacao Cientifica e Tecnologia (JNICT)
Tel. +351-1-605006; Fax +351-3950979