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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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EUREKA brokerage event on "Transport information systems"

A brokerage event on "Transport information systems", presenting collaborative European R&D projects on innovative transport technologies, will take place in Lugano, Switzerland, on 22-23 May 1995. It is jointly organized by the EUREKA programme and the European Commission, du...

22 May 1995 - 22 May 1995
A brokerage event on "Transport information systems", presenting collaborative European R&D projects on innovative transport technologies, will take place in Lugano, Switzerland, on 22-23 May 1995. It is jointly organized by the EUREKA programme and the European Commission, during the Swiss EUREKA chairmanship (1994-1995).

The aim of the brokerage event is to create European collaborative projects among enterprises and research institutes on transport information systems. The event is focused on R&D projects close to industrial implementation and with a market orientation.

A series of workshops will concentrate on the following subjects:

- Integrated logistics for a specific commodity;
- Tracking and tracing systems in combined traffic;
- City logistics;
- Integrated traffic management systems (mobility of people and goods).
For further information, please contact:

EUREKA Secretariat
Mr. R. Loosch/Mr. W. Locker
19H avenue des Arts
Box 3
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2292240; Fax +32-2-2187906


European Commission
Ms. Cristina Marolda
200 rue de la Loi (B-68 5/24)
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2958391; Fax +32-2-2964289