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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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European water research and technology development with emphasis on cooperation in the Baltic Sea region

A Euro-workshop on "European water research and technology development with emphasis on cooperation in the Baltic Sea region" will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on 19-20 June 1995.

It is organized by the Finnish Environment Agency and TECHWARE (Technology for Water Resourc...

19 June 1995 - 19 June 1995
A Euro-workshop on "European water research and technology development with emphasis on cooperation in the Baltic Sea region" will take place in Helsinki, Finland, on 19-20 June 1995.

It is organized by the Finnish Environment Agency and TECHWARE (Technology for Water Resources Association), in collaboration with the Commission's Standards, Measurements and Testing programme (DG XII) and the Finnish VALUE Relay Centre. The workshop is the last in a series of Euro-workshops on water research and technology development, organized by TECHWARE.

The Helsinki workshop will focus on two main topics:

- European water policy;
- Environmental development in the Baltic Sea region.

The workshop will aim at finding important links between these two topics in order to clarify coordination of research and development programmes and increase sustainable development.

The following sessions will take place:

- European water policy:
. Fourth Framework Programme and Fifth Community Action Programme on the Environment;
. Highlights of the Finnish water policy;

- The role of harmonization and quality assurance:
. Goals and programmes of the European Environment Agency;
. Environmental data network in Finland's nearby areas;
. Quality assurance in pollution load compilation;

- Projects and programmes of interest:
. Finnish Research Programme for Climate Change;
. Water pollution control action programmes - examples on bilateral and multilateral programmes;
. MAST Regional Seas - The Baltic Sea;
. Programme on Cooperation with Third Countries and International Organizations;

- Round-table discussion and summary:
. Round table on "Development of RTD cooperation in the Baltic Sea region within a European framework";
. Can we define European dimensions in water issues? - Summarizing conclusions of the Euro-workshops.
For further information, please contact:

Mr. Markku Puupponen
Finnish Environment Agency
PO Box 436
SF-00101 Helsinki
Tel. +358-0-1929557; Fax +358-0-1929577