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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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ERPET training course on software for studying detriment associated with radiation exposure (ASQRAD)

A training course on ASQRAD (software for studying the detriment associated with radiation exposure) will take place in Chilton, United Kingdom, on 5-7 June 1995. It is organized by the European Radiation Protection Education and Training (ERPET) initiative of the European Com...

5 June 1995 - 5 June 1995
United Kingdom
A training course on ASQRAD (software for studying the detriment associated with radiation exposure) will take place in Chilton, United Kingdom, on 5-7 June 1995. It is organized by the European Radiation Protection Education and Training (ERPET) initiative of the European Commission (DG XII).

ASQRAD is a PC-based code developed by the Centre d'Etude sur l'Evaluation de la Protection dans le Domaine Nucleaire (CEPN) and the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) under the Commission's radiation protection research programme, which provides a common framework for studying the detriment associated with radiation exposure. The code, which runs under Windows, includes the main health effects models and allows risks to different populations to be investigated.

The course is aimed at practitioners in radiological protection who have an interest in detriment. In particular, the following topics will be covered:

- Source data (e.g. A-bomb survivors);
- Description of models (e.g. UNSCEAR, ICRP);
- Uncertainties in risk estimates;
- Description of ASQRAD (features and databases, user interface, comparison with other packages).
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