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Content archived on 2022-07-29

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BRIS '95: Broadband Islands Conference and Exhibition

An international conference and exhibition on broadband islands, BRIS '95, will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 4-6 September 1995. It is organized by DG XIII of the European Commission in the framework of its former RACE programme for communication technologies. Other spons...

4 September 1995 - 4 September 1995
An international conference and exhibition on broadband islands, BRIS '95, will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 4-6 September 1995. It is organized by DG XIII of the European Commission in the framework of its former RACE programme for communication technologies. Other sponsors include ERICSSON, SIEMENS, Apple Computer and Telecom Eireann.

The conference aims to bring together managers, network operators, service providers, multimedia application designers and end-users to accelerate the development of distributed multimedia applications for broadband networks. The following issues will be addressed:

- Technical problems involved in adapting applications for use on broadband networks;
- New services and applications for global broadband networks;
- Use of multimedia applications in a distributed multi-user environment.

The latest technical research results will be presented in the following fields:

- Operation systems support for multimedia communication;
- Adaptive video coding schemes;
- Multimedia conference systems;
- Variable quality of service communication protocols;
- Advanced telecommunication services;
- Bandwidth allocation strategies;
- Architectures for interoperability.

In addition, strategic and political issues, as well as market trends and forecasts, will be addressed during the conference.

Both commercial and non-commercial multimedia and broadband related developments will be exhibited, including the results from the RACE I and II programmes, as well as the results from the start-up of the ACTS programme of the Fourth Framework Programme of RTD activities (1994-1998).
For further information, please contact:

BRIS '95
Central Offices
Ossory Business Park
Ossory Road
Dublin 3
Tel. +353-1-8364530; Fax +353-1-8364550