BRIS '95: Broadband Islands Conference and Exhibition
The conference aims to bring together managers, network operators, service providers, multimedia application designers and end-users to accelerate the development of distributed multimedia applications for broadband networks. The following issues will be addressed:
- Technical problems involved in adapting applications for use on broadband networks;
- New services and applications for global broadband networks;
- Use of multimedia applications in a distributed multi-user environment.
The latest technical research results will be presented in the following fields:
- Operation systems support for multimedia communication;
- Adaptive video coding schemes;
- Multimedia conference systems;
- Variable quality of service communication protocols;
- Advanced telecommunication services;
- Bandwidth allocation strategies;
- Architectures for interoperability.
In addition, strategic and political issues, as well as market trends and forecasts, will be addressed during the conference.
Both commercial and non-commercial multimedia and broadband related developments will be exhibited, including the results from the RACE I and II programmes, as well as the results from the start-up of the ACTS programme of the Fourth Framework Programme of RTD activities (1994-1998).
For further information, please contact:
BRIS '95
Central Offices
Ossory Business Park
Ossory Road
Dublin 3
Tel. +353-1-8364530; Fax +353-1-8364550