International Conference on Standardization and Analysis of Biodiesel
The conference will provide an international platform to discuss biodiesel quality produced from a range of different raw materials, such as virgin and used oils and fats of plant or animal origin. Discussion will focus on:
- Key criteria for a fuel standardization and specification;
- Defined and justifiable quality levels;
- Analytical methods;
- Future fields of research.
An exhibition, which will be held in conjunction with the conference, will present the latest developments in instrumentation, processing, refining, analytical techniques and research.
For further information, please contact:
Conference Secretariat
Mondial Congress
Faulmanngasse 4
A-1040 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-588040; Fax +43-1-5869185
Companies interested in exhibiting should contact:
c/o Mag. Maria Harnata
Helferstorferstrasse 2
A-1010 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-5356186; fax +43-1-5356016