Optimization of radiological protection in the design and operation of nuclear facilities
The optimization of radiation protection (ALARA) is one of the fundamental principles of radiation protection and is an explicit requirement of the Council Directives laying down the basic safety standards for the nuclear industry.
The objective of the course is to present tools and structures that can help with the implementation of these concepts on a practical level, particularly with regard to work management.
The course is directed at all those associated directly or indirectly with the design and implementation of radiation protection programmes (including regulatory authorities in nuclear facilities); for example, plant designers, output planners, operation, maintenance, and plant managers, engineers and health physicists. The organizers hope that the interaction between a wide spectrum of participants will result in a useful exchange of ideas, which in itself will augment the course contents by promoting effective ALARA management.
The course comprises lectures presented by experts from various countries of the European Union, together with case studies, class exercises and a practical session at Trillo nuclear power plant.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Mr. Thierry Bigard
Jean Monnet Building
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tel. +352-430136380; Fax +352-430134646
Administrative Secretary
Victoria Veiga
3 Francisco Gervas
E-28020 Madrid
Tel. +34-1-5704400; Fax +33-1-5721485