The Information Society - The role of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
The event is aimed primarily at the presidents and directors of national Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and directors of the relevant departments of Eurochambers. It is also open to companies, administrative organizations and institutions involved in this field.
The aim of the congress is to increase awareness of the essential role of CCI in alerting businesses to the challenges of the future, anticipating their needs and developing new services to meet these needs.
Debates will focus on the following topics:
- The global dimension of the Information Society;
- The challenges facing SMEs;
- The challenges for the CCI;
- The services provided by the CCI.
For further information please contact:
Catherine Pham/Annemie Vanduynhoven
5 rue Archimède, Box 4
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. +32-2-2310715; Fax +32-2-2300038