Information days on multimedia content for the Information Society
The first day will provide participants with an introduction to Austria and its business and cultural life. It will include the presentation of three Austrian telecommunications pilot projects and a tour of the Hagenberg Software Park.
The second day will highlight the key European initiatives related to the Information Society and will include presentations in the following areas:
- The Austrian approach to the information Society;
- Europe's way to the Global Information Society (Dr. Martin Bangemann, European Commissioner responsible for industrial affairs, information technology and telecommunications);
- The industry viewpoint;
- Multimedia initiatives of the European Union;
- INFO2000: Scribe to screen.
It will also include a panel discussion under the title "What is in these programme for you?".
The main focus of these information days is the issue of content and the importance of the European content industry for the European economy and society in terms of employment, competitiveness and preservation of Europe's cultural identity.
For further information/registration forms, please contact:
European Commission
Mr. Jean Goederich
Unit XIII/E-2
Plateau du Kirchberg (C 4/27)
L-2920 Luxembourg
Fax +352-430132847